Showing posts with label cloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cloud. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Clouds Part 3 ( Low-level clouds )

Stratus clouds are composed of thin layers of clouds covering a large area of the sky. This is simply mist or fog when it forms close to the ground. You can easily distinguish a stratus cloud by the long horizontal layers of cloud which have a fog-like appearance. Continue...

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Clouds Part 2 (Mid-level clouds)

Altocumulus clouds form at a lower altitude so they’re largely made of water droplets though they may retain ice crystals when forming higher up.  Continue...

Friday 7 August 2020

Clouds Part 1 (High-Level Clouds)

A cloud is a visible accumulation of minute droplets of water, ice crystals, or both, suspended in the air. Though they vary in shape and size, all clouds are basically formed in the same way through the vertical of air above the condensation level. Continue...